METAVERSE #3 – VR Headset Guide

We can differentiate two different types of Metaverse environments, those that can be accessed with a virtual reality headset and those that can be accessed without. If virtual reality headsets were still considered as a luxury 5 years ago, this has changed today and for …

METAVERSE #2 – The game that changed it all

Today we will talk about the Metaverse universe that has changed everything, that has revolutionized the genre and that has inspired so many other video game studios to develop their own massively multiplayer universe. We will talk about Second Life. If the concept escapes you, …

METAVERSE #1 – A quick introduction

Welcome to my first article on the tremendous innovation that is the metaverse ! But by the way, can it really be called an innovation when it has been around for over 30 years? Where does this term come from, and why are we talking …

Metaverse der neue Trend im E-Commerce?

Seit Beginn der COVID-19 Pandemie boomt der Online-Handel in unzähligen Branchen. Sogar in traditionell geprägten Branchen, wo der stationäre Handel immer noch vorherrschend ist. Oftmals gibt es in diesen Branchen noch eine klassische Trennung der physischen Geschäfte und der digitalen Welt. Seit dem Aufkommen des …