Eating on the go in Lucerne

I have been living vegan for a while now. While I am still adjusting to my new form of living there is a particularly big challenge which I have yet to master: eating on the go. Before turning vegan I could just walk in to …

Der Luzerner Wochenmarkt | Frisch, regional und nachhaltig

Knackiges Gemüse, frisches Brot, farbenfrohe Blumen und allerlei Hausgemachtes. Der Luzerner Wochenmarkt lässt keine Wünsche offen. Jeden Dienstag und Samstag verwandeln sich die Wege entlang der Reuss in ein buntes und belebtes Einkaufserlebnis, der nicht nur Touristen sondern auch Einheimische anlockt. Im Video zeige ich …

? Cheap, rather than wasted, bakery products

Find out more about the pioneering shop in the fight against food waste.   What is Äss bar all about?   FOTO- FRISCH VON GESTERN   Have you ever wondered what happens to the products left on bakeries’ shelves when they close?   Äss bar and its anti-food-waste concept prevent food waste from nearby partner…

The Queen of the Mountains

The queen of the mountains – you may have read these words in brochures or advertisements for Swiss tourism. Yet, do you know where the “queen”  is? Let me give you a little hint below: Enjoy breathtaking views sweeping over the Swiss Plateau, the alps …