Top 5 Tools To Design Your Social Media

Designing social media content seems to be simple, but once you have started, you realise, well, it takes time! The process of finding the right picture, sound, videos takes hours, if not more. But, we have good news, there are some tools already on the …

Dos & Don’ts auf LinkedIn

Was braucht es alles für einen perfekten LinkedIn Auftritt? Nachfolgend habe ich die wichtigsten Dos und Don’ts für eine gelungene LinkedIn Präsenz für den persönlichen wie auch den Business Auftritt zusammengefasst. Du kannst die Übersicht auch als Factsheet downloaden. Dos & Don’ts persönlicher Auftritt Dos …

Find the Perfect Job Candidates With LinkedIn

Hiring the right employee is not always easy and it’s oftentimes time consuming. Also, when you have a small business, it can be difficult to attract talents as you don’t have a huge exposure and therefore people may simply not know about your company. And …

4 Life-Changing Tools To Become A LinkedIn Expert

Small businesses, but also many start-ups often struggle with the lack of budget for their marketing and communication. Those areas are nevertheless very important in order to run a business smoothly. Also, the lack of skills in these fields is sometimes problematic. However, nowadays, they …