AWAS – Portraits of Afghan Women: Mahnaz Shahid

Thirty years ago, Mahnaz Shahid´s family took the courageous step of moving to Switzerland when she was just 8 years old. Alongside her family, she fled her homeland and made a stopover in Vietnam. Her father, a diplomat, had to travel to Vietnam for work, and the family decided to accompany him. Initially, their plan…

Keep inspiring and getting inspired

Hi beautiful people! I would like to take the opportunity today to talk about female inspiration; going from female entrepreneurship to social achievements. To get some examples of female figures of inspiration, I asked the question to my followers…  I’m sure that you also might …

Let’s talk @ FemUnity: Event Management

Hi there, We are back with the second video of this mini video serie, this time sharing our experience on event management @ FemUnity. We talk for instance about the obstacles that we meet, but also what we aim at doing during our events… Enjoy …

Peeking through the Gender Gap in Switzerland

Over the years, women, globally, have been working hard to close the gender gap in terms of welfare rights, salary, policies and many other aspects. While the strive to gender equality has seen improvements in most developing countries over the years, it is astounding that …

Tra valori e sguardi qualche consiglio per scoprirvi

Partiamo dal quel desiderio che abbiamo un po’ tutti. Il desiderio di trasmettere amore, di sentirsi amati, di condividere e di trovare un compagno con il quale essere semplicemente felici. Siamo attratti da quel sentimento di vicinanza, dal calore dell’altro corpo e dall’energia che emana. …