The Psychology of Sound: Hack Their Minds with Music

If you ever spend a few minutes thinking about music as something affirmative, you realize that you have been manipulated by this your whole life, not even acknowledging. Every memory in our head have specific background music that is subconsciously played by our brain in …

Your Productivity Content Hub

Hello, productivity students! Is your productivity already peaking on an all time high with my previous tipps and tricks? This blog now serves as a dynamic Content Hub, designed to guide you through a plethora of resources and insights, all geared towards boosting your productivity. …

Hotel-Marketing mit Influencern

Für kleine Hotels, die ihre Online-Präsenz verstärken und neue Gäste anlocken möchten, kann die Zusammenarbeit mit Influencern ein strategischer Marketingschritt sein. Das Navigieren in der Welt des Influencer-Marketings erfordert jedoch eine sorgfältige Planung und Ausführung. In diesem Artikel gehen wir der Frage nach, wie kleine …

How to Make Productivity More Fun

Does the thought of productivity conjure up images of endless to-do lists and looming deadlines? It’s time to flip the script! Let’s explore how to make productivity not just effective, but enjoyable, drawing wisdom from Markus Brownlee’s enlightening book, “Feel Good Productivity”. There is a …

5 Productivity Tips for Notion

In the world where staying organized equals staying ahead, Notion emerges as a beacon of productivity. As you have seen in my previous blog posts it is a tool that can be your planner, database, task manager, and so much more. Let’s unlock its full …