Where to Shop for Affordable Groceries in Switzerland

Switzerland is known for its high cost of living, including grocery prices. For students looking to prepare meals economically, choosing the right supermarket can make a significant difference. Recent studies and price comparisons offer valuable insights into which Swiss supermarkets offer the best value. Price …

Smart Student Recipes – Brainfood ?

Brainfood für bessere Konzentration: Ernährungstipps und Rezepte für Studenten ? Liebe Studis, es freut mich, dass ihr den Blogpost lest ? Stressige Vorlesungszeiten, lange Lernsessions lassen und viele To Do’s bei der Arbeit lassen oft wenig Raum für gesundes Essen. Dabei ist gerade in dieser …

The cons of being an expat mom in Switzerland

Becoming an expat can be an experience full of new opportunities and adventures. However, becoming a mom simultaneously comes with its own set of unique challenges. Here are the top three difficulties that I faced in this country. High costs of childcare and education One …