Sensing the Invisible: Diabetic Alert Dogs

Did you know that dogs can go beyond being just our faithful friends? Dogs have long been hailed as man’s best friend, offering companionship, loyalty, and unconditional love. Their ability to understand our emotions and provide support during difficult times is unparalleled. My girlfriend and …

Life with Type 1 Diabetes

“I didn’t have the freedom to do whatever I want” In the engaging video “Life with Type 1 Diabetes,” meet George Stark, a 33-year-old manager for insulin pump companies. Through his personal experiences and expertise, George provides valuable insights into the challenge and living with …

Pregnancy VS Diabetes

What is Gestational Diabetes? As someone who hopes to have a family one day, I find it incredibly important to learn about the various health aspects that can affect both me and my loved ones. One topic that I recently came across during my research …

Diabetes “the Silent Killer”

Once upon a time, I believed diabetes was only related to obesity, but now I know better. I used to be very diligent about what I ate and how frequently I exercised, but I must admit that I have fallen behind in both areas. Also, …

Future & Family: Insight into Maternity Leave

There are so many articles about how companies are creating more family friendly work environments. However, many companies are forgetting to include their employees in the conversation. What does maternity leave mean to them? Are they nervous, excited or maybe overwhelmed? Do they have the …

Fit über Ostern

Speziell über Ostern nimmt man sich Zeit für seine Familie. Es gibt viel leckeres Essen, ein gemütliches Beisammensein und gute Gespräche. Da kommt Fitness meist zu kurz. Das heisst aber nicht, dass man komplett auf der faulen Haut liegen muss. Es gibt überall Möglichkeiten deinen …