DIY: Hand Cream for Soft Skin

Hello beautiful readers! We use them all the time to communicate so it’s not surprising that they’re the first thing people notice. While most of us prioritize skincare for our faces, the same level of attention often doesn’t extend to our hands… “As you grow …

DIY: Lip Balm and Scrub for Smooth Lips

Hello beautiful readers! Looking for a simple way to achieve soft, smooth lips? With just a few simple ingredients, you can create your own lip balm and lip scrub right at home with essential oils as a base. “Self-care is how you take your power …

DIY: Bath Bombs and Salts

Hello beautiful readers! ? Step into the tranquil world of bath bombs and salts, where relaxation meets aromatic fragrances thanks to the use of essential oils. “As important as it is to have a plan for doing work, it is perhaps more important to have …

DIY: Face Masks for a Fresh Face

Hello beautiful readers! ? You have mastered the art of creating your own face and body scrub in my previous blog (click here) , but have you ever considered elevating your skincare routine with a luxurious homemade face mask? ? “Beauty begins the moment you decide to …

DIY: Shampoo Secrets Revealed

Hello beautiful readers! ? It’s finally time for the first DIY beauty product! Discover how to create your own shampoo using essential oils (EO) as the foundation! Shampoos are primary designed to cleanse the scalp and hair by removing dirt, excess oil and a product buildup. Although …

Aquarell Wandfarbe – Entdecke die Künstlerin in dir!

Kommen wir nun also zu meinem momentanen Favoriten unter den vielfältigen Möglichkeiten des Wändestreichens: der Aquarell Wandfarbe! Diese Streichtechnik steht bei mir schon länger auf der Liste und ich möchte sie unbedingt bei der nächsten passenden Gelegenheit umsetzen. Ich habe mich bereits gut darüber informiert, …