Where Do You Stand on Cybersecurity?

In the digital age, cybersecurity is paramount. With the rise of sophisticated cyber threats, everyone, from individuals to large corporations, needs to be vigilant. So, where do you stand when it comes to cybersecurity? Before we dive deeper, let’s assess your current understanding. Here’s a …

Henn-Na Hotel: Where AI Meets Hotel Industry

??  In Nagasaki, in the center of Japan, there is a hotel that is truly unique. Since its opening in 2015, the Henn-Na Hotel, commonly recognized as the “Strange Hotel,” has captured the attention of guests. The Henn-na Hotel in Nagasaki, Japan, is staffed entirely …

Mehrwert der digitalen Transformation im Sponsoring

Was ist mein Sponsoring wert und macht es Sinn, weiterhin in meine Sponsoring Aktivitäten zu investieren? Ich denke solche Fragen stellen sich heutzutage viele Sponsoring Verantwortliche, da mit den klassischen Sponsoring Aktivierungen (mehr dazu in meinem ersten Beitrag: Sponsoring? Ja bitte!) nicht wirklich klar gemessen …

Web 3.0

Did you know that 4.66billion of the worldwide population are active internet users? And they are using Web 2.0? Welcome to my 2nd video blog. This video will discuss web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. We will also take a look at 5 of the elements …