Photography for Beginners: Capturing the World

What makes a great landscape photo? Many beginners think they need expensive equipment, but in reality, composition, lighting, and basic camera settings matter far more. This guide will help you understand these essential elements so you can start taking stunning photos with confidence. Let’s start …

Corporate Events planen: How to Deko? Karl zeigt dir wie!

Du stehst vor der grossen Herausforderung einen Corporate Event atmosphärisch aufzuwerten? Oder musst dir ein Dekorationskonzept für einen Mitarbeiterevent ausdenken? Oder sollst sogar selbst Hand anlegen? Huch, schlimme Sache. Keine Panik, wir greifen dir unter die Arme und stellen dir Karl Erdmann vor, der Dekorations-Profi …

Sweet sweet memories at FemUnity…

Hey you, welcome back to my blog for another “informal info session” about FemUnity. In the first article, I presented you the starting point and how far we’ve gotten in the meantime. But you might now ask yourself, “Alright, cool project but what has been …

Why is communication important when managing remote teams?

If you were reading/watching my previous posts, you sure noticed that I always mention communication when talking about remote work. For today’s video, I am explaining why is communication important when managing remote teams. Resources: Managing remote teams 7 Tips for better communication with …