Plauderstube mit Jolanda Sabbatini

Joly (60 Jahre alt, Luzern), spricht mit uns heute darüber, wie sie ihre Heimat die Dominikanische Republik schon immer vermisst hatte. Corona hat alles nur noch verschlimmert – sie kann nicht mehr viel arbeiten und reisen kann sie auch nicht mehr. Bist du auch ausgewandert …

INTO THE UNKOWN (with a bit of privilege) ?

“Our Bali Life Is Yours” “The island has been amazing because of our elevated lifestyle at a much lower cost of living. I was paying US$1,300 for my LA studio. Now I have a treehouse for US$400.” — Jan 16, 2021 It’s that easy to start a shitstorm on Twitter. After publishing a thread of…

Will we go back or not? And what is New Work?

The next opening steps are in the pipeline, home office is only recommended and private activities such as going to restaurants, fitness, museums can be resumed. What will the post-pandemic work environment look like? Do you have to go back to the office like before? To answer the above question: Most likely not, but it…

Coffee addict or snacker? – Nutrition in Homeoffice

In the last blog Nutritionist Manuela Best provides an overview of the physical and nutritional aspects you should pay attention to and how to integrate them into your daily routine. The cabinet of sweets close by or treats right next to the workstation. What tips does she have for you if you are a snacker…

Nutrition in Homeoffice – Inputs from an Expert

As promised in the last blog post, we move on from mental health and focus on physical health in this article. This week’s first post is about nutrition in home office. Nutritionist Manuela Best gives us an overview of the physical and nutritional aspects you should pay attention to in your home office and how…

People in a very good mental state during the pandemic. Really?!

Let’s talk about fitness! To work efficiently and effectively from home we need to be fit. Therefore, this topic is of high relevance for each employee and should not be neglected by employers. A large topic which will cover the next blog posts – each of them deals with a specific aspect of fitness. The…

10 Gadgets for the Homeoffice: some indispensable some nice-to-have

You have already seen the advantages and disadvantages of working from home in the previous blog post. However, in order to work efficiently, remain in good health, and have a comfortable environment, some equipment is needed. And that’s exactly what we’re focusing on in this blog post: five essential items and five extra convenient features…

«Alles Schlechte hat etwas Gutes!» – auch zu Zeiten von Covid-19?

Ein Zitat von Jon Cohens, welches zum Thema dieses Blogposts kaum zutreffender sein könnte. Die Covid-19 Pandemie erreichte im Februar 2020 die Schweiz (Bundesamt für Gesundheit, 2020), seither hat sich unser Leben massgeblich verändert: soziale Kontakte sind eingeschränkt, Reisen verboten, Veranstaltungen abgesagt, Läden mussten schliessen und es gilt eine Homeoffice Pflicht. Was ist nun das…