#expressyourself: The meaning of colors

I love colors! I am sure you know already that colors can influence your mood and can have different meanings. And no, I don’t always daydream about colors, sometime I also speak about them. Like in this podcast. I created this podcast as I believe …

The Rainbow Pizza?

♥ Hi, liebe Food Lovers ♥ Diese Woche wird es richtig bunt und fröhlich?, extra um dem kalten Winterwetter im Monat Mai ? entgegenzuwirken. Meine liebe Kollegin von foodstudies und ich haben uns diese Woche zusammen getan und eine herrlich leckere Rainbow Pizza kreiert. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf …

Bombing. With yarn.

Yarn bombing for me is very exciting. And apparently for some of you guys as well. So, I decided to talk about it a bit more and introduce some yarn bombers/artists. Although they are not all artists by trade, their approach to knitting and crochet …