AI Stories: POV of a UI/UX Designer

  Step into the fascinating world of AI-driven design as the UI/UX designer, Luca Sorrentino, takes you on an enlightening journey through his experience with three groundbreaking technologies: ChatGPT, Midjourney, and Dalle. In this short video, Luca shares his insights and reflections on how these …

Why you will love Microsoft OneDrive

With this post we are already half-way through my series “Let’s Talk about Microsoft 365” and all I can think about is that time truly does fly. In today’s fast pacing world, it can be tricky to keep up and while some aspects of our lives …

Agile Tools for Collaborative Knowledge Work

How do you integrate agility in your every day’s work? Which tools do you use and why? – These are two questions I have asked my interviewees for this week’s topic: agile tools for collaborative knowledge work. While last week’s blog post served as an introduction to …

Interview avec une micro-influenceuse – The Nomad Nextdoor

A l’occasion de ce nouvel article, j’ai eu la chance d’interviewer une micro-influenceuse américaine basée à Lucerne. Elle s’appelle Kristy et son nom sur les réseaux sociaux s’apparente à son blog @thenomadnextdoor. Cet entretien a pour but d’en apprendre plus sur son activité d’influenceuse et …