How ‘Green Technology’ can help reduce our carbon impact

While the thought of future technological possibilities is interesting and all, however, it is more important than ever to also consider the impact on the environment. Luckily, there are now a whole lot of amazing technology creations, which help with environmentally friendly impacts. It means …

How to declutter like an expert – Part 1

Decluttering, kondo-ing or dejunking these are all different words but they all have a similar meaning: to get rid of stuff and make space for things that bring value to your life. This is a part of a minimalism lifestyle which is an approach to focus on …

7 Tipps für einen sportlichen Alltag zu Hause

Viel um die Ohren? Da reicht die Zeit oft nicht für ein ausführliches Workout zu Hause oder im Gym. Damit du trotzdem fit bleibst, kannst du auch ganz einfach Übungen in deinen normalen Tagesablauf zu Hause integrieren und dir damit viel Zeit einsparen. Sei einfach …