Reality Checking the Neuromarketing reach. Over the past articles, we explored neuromarketing or consumer neuroscience research techniques that aim at getting insights into the consumer decision-making process through methods that sound, almost out of a science fiction movie, such as brain scans, eye-tracking, and palm readings. These techniques you …

Startups are betting on SUSTAINABILITY

Startups are betting on SUSTAINABILITY Environmental care and protection have become an opportunity for entrepreneurs. This market niche is growing fast, as well as the interest of many startups to create products or services that are focused on consumers and planet needs. The implementation of …

6 Digital Marketing Trends….You need to know

Marketing is in permanent innovation, the trends that exist to meet consumers’ demands are huge. In this blog, I will mention 6 digital marketing trends that we cannot ignore. 1. Artificial Intelligence  AI is changing the way we perceive opportunities in the digital world. According …

Marketing and Strategies in Times of Coronavirus

Campaigns had to be reinvented, but certain trends have been repeated recurrently in creativity. The pandemic and quarantine we have faced recently led brands to change their marketing and advertising strategies. Companies around the world were forced to react to this situation and redefine their …

Genderless Trend, Neither pink nor blue

If you have the attitude and confidence, it doesn’t matter what you wear – we cannot and should not define gender by its color. Before the fashionable term “non-gender” or “genderless” appeared, unisex was the way of referring to the non-differentiation by gender in the …

Scent Marketing: love is in the air

Did you know that… We can remember 35% of what we smell. According to studies by the Rockefeller University, the evocative “power” of each of our senses is as follows: smell (35%), taste (15%), sight (5%), hearing (2%) and touch (1%). The human sense of …

How Emotional Marketing impacts on consuming…

Hi! once again around here, In my first blog I wrote about Love Brands, which are those brands that position themselves through emotional way among consumers, achieving loyalty with every purchase. Loyal consumers will always be there, demanding for more products, better discounts, more advertising, …

Blockchain technology against unethical marketing practices

Hi there! Welcome to the uncharted territory of blockchain technology and ethical marketing in their well-balanced co-existence. This blog opens my blockchain-flagged “anti-marketing” campaign. You may ask: what is this all about? “Anti-marketing” campaign in the OBM blog? Why? You are right: it sounds strange, to …