SUP – Stand Up Paddleboard

Stand up Paddle (or SUP) is a watersport, where riders stand on the large board and use a paddle to propel themselves through the water. Stand-up paddleboarding emerged as a surfboard alternative. Older surfers at the end of their surf-career found that they could prolong …

Surfskating – Surfing the Streets

Surfskate One of the newer inventions in the skateboarding world, that has been gaining increasing popularity and attention, is the surfskate. This skateboard variant has specially designed trucks (the part connecting wheels and board) that imitate the motions and actions of surfing. Surfskating has gained …

Insights of chess

This podcats I am talking to you regarding my prefered openings and why, how I started playing chess from a young age and my evolution and interest over time. I am looking forward to hear more from you, what are your prefered openings and …

Checkmate by suffocation

The Suffocation mate is a common method of checkmating. It works by using the horse to attack the enemy king and the bishop to close the escape routes of the king. Sometimes it is confused with the Smothered mate. The difference is that a smothered mate is a …

Interview with a more experienced chess player

In this podcast I am interviewing a fellow chess player. Join us in our discussion about the game, how he started playing and role models from the chess community that influenced us. Tomorrow I will be posting my next podcast where I will be …