How AI transforms digital marketing ?

There are huge developments in artificial intelligence which transforms digital marketing by optimising targeting and segment customers as well as personalising marketing messages. AI is revolutionising the way marketers communicate with consumers and present businesses with their products and services. There are several advantages of …

AI Marketing

The power of AI to automate decision making processes in marketing. It involves utilising AI technologies to collect and analyse data, as well as observe audience behaviour and economic trends that impact marketing initiatives. AI marketing includes various cases, such as data analysis, content generation, …

AI and its real value to companies.

AI has narrowed the gap between businesses and technology, it reduced the burden of tasks on skilled individuals and it has helped in easing decisions making processes. AI’s powerful reasoning and contextualising ability are now making business to be more proactive with their forecasts and …

Künstliche Intelligenz im Bildungswesen – Experteninterview mit Samuel Rhyner, Code Crush und Destibot

Willkommen zurück in der faszinierenden Welt der Künstlichen Intelligenz! In diesem Blogartikel präsentiere ich dir ein exklusives Experteninterview, das sich tiefgehend mit den neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich der KI beschäftigt. Eines der Highlights des Gesprächs ist die Vorstellung der innovativen KI-basierten Informationsplattform für Destinationen, genannt …