AWAS-Portraits of Afghan Women: Continuing the Journey

Dear readers, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your support, comments, likes, and shares of my blog. It has been a truly wonderful experience for me to meet so many inspiring women who have integrated into Switzerland and have success stories to share. I have always been deeply inspired by the success…

AWAS – Portraits of Afghan Women: Mahnaz Shahid

Thirty years ago, Mahnaz Shahid´s family took the courageous step of moving to Switzerland when she was just 8 years old. Alongside her family, she fled her homeland and made a stopover in Vietnam. Her father, a diplomat, had to travel to Vietnam for work, and the family decided to accompany him. Initially, their plan…

AWAS – Portraits of Afghan Women: Zohra Saidali

Maryam: Tell me more about yourself and your journey to Switzerland. Zohra: I am originally from Afghanistan and have been living in Geneva since 1994. My family and I initially stayed in Pakistan for about a year and a half before directly immigrating to Switzerland. Our journey began when we left Afghanistan during a challenging…

AWAS – Portraits of Afghan Women: Lida Naeim-Jäggi

[embed][/embed] “To actively engage in the conversation, I must first seek understanding.” – Lida Naeim-Jäggi Today, I find myself in Basel, at Lida’s home, where we had the privilege of recording the interview on her picturesque terrace. Meeting Lida, a truly inspiring woman who fled Afghanistan at the tender age of 7, was an incredible…

AWAS – Portraits of Afghan Women: Horia Hashimi It is essential that no woman feels the need to conceal her identity. Afghan women in Switzerland should be empowered to cultivate a sense of belonging and truly feel at home here. – Horia Hashimi “Empowering Afghan women in Switzerland to embrace their identities and find a sense of belonging, so that they can…

AWAS: Gemeinsam für eine bessere Zukunft afghanischer Frauen

Wenn du das Wort “afghanische Frauen” hörst, kommen dir vermutlich Begriffe wie Unterdrückung, Taliban und Krieg in den Sinn. Oder wann hast du das letzte Mal etwas über Afghanistan gehört? Oft hört man nur von dem Leid der Frauen, die keine Rechte besitzen und unsichtbar …