Where Can You Follow Startup News?

If you have been following my posts from the beginning, you have learnt about startups, venture capitals, investors, female entrepreneurs, ecosystems and green startups. You have gotten familiar with startup terminology. I hope all these content sparked your interest in startups and you want to …

10 Things Investors Ask About Startups

Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business? Do you have a big business idea but no funds? Well, then the general advices are: Start small Build the minimum viable product Experience some growth Seek investors afterwards When the day comes, you should be …

Meet The Female Entrepreneurs

Female Entrepreneurship Women are highly underrepresented in the startup sector with a share of around 20% – looking at science and tech-based startups the share is even 10% female founders, according to Startup Campus data. I wish I would only about talent in this post …

What Is a Green Startup?

Green Startups Starting a business, making money, and saving the planet at the same time? All these sounds great together and this is what green startups intend to do. They are making the most significant impact for the environment, giving their customers a change to …

Startup Lingo: Beginner’s Glossary

Hello everyone, In this post we will take a look at some of the most frequently used words and basic concepts of startup world. Knowing the startup jargon will help you a lot understanding conversations and articles if you are interested in startups news, considering …

Explained In 5 Questions: Venture Capital

In my series of 8 blog posts, I will explain some concepts related to start-up world in very simple words. I would like to begin with Venture Capital because start-up investments are a hot topic lately in my LinkedIn feed. I have been hearing news …