Hier finden Sie einen Korpus an filmischen Beispielen. Der Korpus wird laufend ergänzt.
- 13ter Stock (2005): Thalhofer, Florian / Mensing, Kolja. http://13terstock.de/
- 18 Days in Egypt (2011): Mehta, Jighar / Elayat, Yasmin. http://www.18daysinegypt.com (nicht mehr verfügbar)
- Atterwasch (2014): Dubois, Frédéric; del Pra’, Marco. https://www.atterwasch.net/
- BEAR 71 (2012): Allison, Leanne / Mendes, Jeremy. https://bear71vr.nfb.ca/
- berlinfolgen (2011): taz / 2470media. http://berlinfolgen.2470media.eu/filme.96.de.html
- The Border Between Us (2012): Robicheau, Nicole. https://www.theborderbetweenus.org/wp-content/themes/theborderbetweenus/movie/index.html
- A Cartography of Iconic Memory (2014): Tams, Morgan Rhys. http://www.morgantams.com/iceland/
- Codonaut (2019): Thalhofer, Florian. http://codonaut.de/
- Corona Haikus (2020):Tabares-Duque, Sandra; Gaudenzi, Sandra. https://coronahaikus.com
- Dada Data (2016): Hugi, Anita; Dufresne, David. http://www.dada-data.net/ (nicht mehr verfügbar)
- Dadaab Stories (2013): Jones, Ryan; Copeland, Rafiq: http://www.dadaabstories.org/ (nicht mehr verfügbar)
- Do Not Track (2015): Gaylor, Brett. https://donottrack-doc.com/de/
- The Enemy (2014): Khelifa, Karim Ben. http://theenemyishere.org/
- Epistemologies of Restitution (2022): Doll, Martin. https://thinking-about-restitution.info/
- Fieldtrip (2019): Stotz, Eva. https://fieldtrip.berlin/
- Filming Revolution (2015): Lebow, Alisa. https://www.filmingrevolution.org/
- Firestorm (2016): The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/interactive/2013/may/26/firestorm-bushfire-dunalley-holmes-family
- Forensic Landscapes (2020): Huffschmid, Anne. https://forensiclandscapes.com/https://forensiclandscapes.com/
- Forgotten Flags (2007): Thalhofer, Florian.
- Fort McMoney (2013): Dufresne, David (nicht mehr verfügbar)
- Gaza/Sderot (2008): Szalat, Alex / Ronez, Joel / Lotz, Susanna. http://gaza-sderot.arte.tv/ (nicht mehr verfügbar)
- Geld.GR (2013): Thalhofer, Florian.
- glückauf (2018): Westdeutscher Rundfunk. https://glueckauf.wdr.de/
- The G Word: Transforming Gender Norms, One Story at a Time (2015): Srivastava, Ishita. http://us.breakthrough.tv/thegword/
- Hanna La Rouge (2018): Hugi, Anita. http://www.phonestories.me/de/die-rote-hanna (Nicht mehr verfügbar)
- Highrise – Universe Within (2015): Cizek, Katerina. http://universewithin.nfb.ca/
- The Hole Story Interactive (2010): Desjardins, Richard; Monderie, Robert (Nicht mehr verfügbar)
- Hollow (2013): McMillion Sheldon, Elaine. http://hollowdocumentary.com/exodus
- In Event of Moon Disaster (2019): Panetta, Francesca/Burgund, Halsey. https://moondisaster.org/
- Jerusalem, We Are Here (2016): Naaman, Dorit. https://jerusalemwearehere.com/
- kleine welt (1997): Thalhofer, Florian. http://www.kleinewelt.com/
- K-TOWN’92 (2017): Lee, Grace. https://ktown92.com/
- Made to Measure (2021): laokoon.group. https://www.madetomeasure.online/
- The Most Northern Place (2014): Bregman, Anrick. https://www.themostnorthernplace.com/
- Pirate Fishing: An interactive Investigation (2011): von Einsiedel, Orlando. https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2014/piratefishingdoc/
- Pregoneros de Medellín (2015): Carabalí, Ángela / Durand, Thibault. https://pregonerosdemedellin.com/
- Prison Valley (2009): Brault, Philippe / Dufresne, David. http://prisonvalley.arte.tv (nicht mehr verfügbar – Aufnahme verfügbar unter http://prisonvalley.arte.tv/flash/#de)
- Racing Home (2015): Hoffman, Philipp / McMahon Marian. http://racinghome.ca/
- Refugee Republic (2014): Visser, Dirk Jan / Rothuizen, Jan / van Tol, Martijn. https://refugeerepublic.submarinechannel.com/
- Saydnaya: Inside a Syrian Torture Prison (2016): Weizman, Eyal/Forensic Architecture/Amnesty International. https://saydnaya.amnesty.org/
- The Shoreline Project (2017): Miller, Liz. https://theshorelineproject.org
- The Two Horses (2014): Tams, Morgan Rhys. https://www.morgantams.com/two_horses/
- Question Bridge: Black Males (2012): Johnson, Chris; Willis Thomas, Hank; Ross Smith, Bayeté; Sinclair, Kamal. http://questionbridge.com/
- The Quipu Project (2015): Court, Maria; Lerner, Rosemarie. https://interactive.quipu-project.com/
- Unquiet Voices (2019): Zamfir, Ioana. https://unquietvoices.com/
- Visualising Loss (2022): Venture, Tanya. https://visualisingloss.co.uk/
- Welcome to Pine Point (2011): Simons, Michael; Shoebridge, Paul. https://pinepoint.nfb.ca/
- Whiteness Project (2014–2016): Dow, Whitney. https://whitenessproject.org/
- You vs. Wild (2019): Simms, Ben.