What Does Information Literacy Mean?
Information literacy means the competence of finding, using and evaluating information. Today, this increasingly refers to digital information and data. Information literacy has developed into a key competence for the participation in a digital society.
Information Literacy at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
In 2021, the libraries of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and its information literacy specialists developed the „Declaration of Information Literacy“ (In German). It comprises two parts (see frames 1 and 2 on the Miroboard): In the first part, the libraries set out their mission regarding information literacy and their commitment to Open Science. In the second part, a possible range of competencies in the areas of information literacy, digital literacy and data literacy is presented. This is intended to serve as a template for exploring goals, offerings and responsibilities together with students, lecturers and researchers.
Rapidly advancing digitalization makes it necessary to continuously develop new content and services. We therefore understand our declaration of information literacy as living document that is constantly changed, adapted, and amended.
Where can I find support?
The six departmental libraries and our information literacy specialists support students, teachers and researchers in all matters relating to information literacy.
Wissen+ is a series of courses on information literacy organized by the ZHB and the HSLU libraries.
The websites of the six HSLU libraries provide an overview of the different, subject-specific information literacy courses offered by the different departments.