More than #HSLU10DoT: What next?

I hope you have enjoyed exploring some aspects of twitter during the past 10 days and could find valuable information resources. All the materials are available online on the blog page, and you can work through at your own time.

At this point I thought it would be nice to offer some suggestions about how you can start using Twitter in your context.

Use Hashtags
Hashtags are a great way to make your area of interest, and the materials you produce more visible. You may review the resources presented on Day 6 to learn more about.

Twitter is a great way to raise awareness of events your Organisation or Department may be hosting. You can then LiveChat the event to further raise awareness or monitor Twitter chat from events you can’t physically attend. Twitter is also a very good medium for helping you to reach out to new audiences.

Twitter is of course a communication medium, but it can actually be of great use in keeping the members of the sub-groups within your organisation up to date with your activities. You can also use Twitter to communicate more easily with students, researchers and part-time staff who may not always be kept up to date with activities through normal channels.

Twitter and Blogging
These two forms of social media work very well together. It is a good idea to keep your blogs managed in such a way that the essential content of each blog can easily be tweeted. Note that the Zentrum für Lernen und Lehren is running a own Blog Platform which is free to all staff members.

I’d really welcome your feedback, so I can improve the programme and perhaps run future courses like this or provide other forms of micro-content to explore at your own pace on other aspects of E-Learning or social media!

The Future
Now you’ve joined the #HSLU10DoT community, it would be great if we can sustain the conversations and the community around E-Learning and social media at HSLU.

The @ZentrumLL account for Zentrum Lernen und Lehren draws together information and conversations around digital learning, teaching and assessment at HSLU. Keep following for information about activities and maybe upcoming courses on digital learning topics within the HSLU and beyond. Do message us to ask questions, engage in conversations or draw our attention to anything you think we should know about!

I look forward to interacting with you in future – do keep in touch!
All the best