Build your own ten days of twitter: #HSLU10DoT changed to self-paced mode

We’re all busy people, and Twitter should suit the fast pace of our work, not hinder it!
I decided to change the online course to a self-paced mode so you can move forward at your own pace, yes and build your “personal” version of ten days of twitter. For your convenience all daily posts are made available as a resource, see the schedule for an overview, which also work well as a stand alone reference and will enable to move in a exploration but also linear learning path. So feel free to either pick specific aspects of twitter that may interest you or continue on the daily information path. It is up to you whether you want to post tweets according the daily task, please keep in mind that the conversation and moderation components may be missing at this point, however twitter is an open medium and thus you still have opportunities to build up your twitter skills and make connections.
Please note that the subscription handling has also been reset, so you will not receive the daily posts by e-mail anymore.

I will be around for the next couple of days, if you have questions or want to share information leave a comment on this post.
All the best and keep on going with “your” #HSLU10DoT version.