10.das_grosse_Kriesenmalbuch_JEANINE_BURKARDfrom Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts,
BA Kunst & Vermittlung
to Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig

spring semester 2020


Spending almost an entire semester in front of the laptop, that’s something most people know after this spring. It was, and still is, the time of Corona. The relationship with my laptop, I call it the Device, became more and more intense through this time. Sure, Ive given a lot of myself to that deviceevice before. My energy, my thoughts and certainly also a part of my personality. It was a mutual relationship. The Device had a large selection of stories, pictures, sounds and advice ready for me. I just had to ask.  

During the last six months our relationship has changed. Suddenly we were almost alone. Sure, there were my roommates and their Device. But I wanted to take a trip with my Devicee. I wanted to take it with me to Leipzig. 

But then my Device was the one that took me to Leipzig. We stayed together in Lucerne, but visited Leipzig at the same time. My Device introduced me to many new faces. And my Device translated what they told me. The Device and I got to know new views and understandings. Not only in photography and art. We learned about politics, hierarchies, numerical societies and above all about borders. Obviously, there was the territorial border. But it was much more the spatial boundaries that our relationship could not overcome. My Device had trouble showing me anything other than a two-dimensional view. At some point in our relationship everything resembled each other. The cinema, the Wikipedia text, the classroom. 

I was no longer satisfied with our relationship. But I wanted to save it. It meant too much to me. I needed a balance. But to be able to concentrate I had to find something for myself. A kind of hobby that belongs only to me. In which I could think about our relationship. I could have made a photographic record of our relationship or written a novel about it. In the end, it became drawings.  

Has our relationship been saved? Well, I guess time will tell. But above all, my awareness of cracks and fractures has changed and strengthened. And what they tell about the relationship structures behind them. 

download the coloring book

Printing instructions:

Choose a paper that is suitable for coloring.

Set the color setting on the printer to black/white.

Of course you can choose the size of the templates yourself. So that the templates are not too large, I recommend: print two pages side by side on each A4 sheet.

Then cut the pages apart and staple them together (e.g. staples, thread…)

download the coloring book