Designers in Innovation Processes; Brown Bag Lunch with Dr. Bettina Minder
At this week’s Brown Bag Lunch, Dr. Bettina Minder will be presenting her doctoral study which she has successfully completed at Aalborg University in November 2018.In her doctoral research, Bettina dealt with the role of designers in interdisciplinary innovation processes.The focus was on the extent to which and in what form designers enable and hinder collaborative work.She will also share her experiences in the PhD process.
The Brown Bag Lunch will take place on 17.October at 12.15 and it will be in German. Please register here until October 14th 18.00. Snacks will be offered.
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New Team Member
We would like to welcome Dr. Guillermina Noël to the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (LUASA). She is the new Head of the Design Management, International Bachelor Programme and will also be part of our team.
Dr. Guillermina Noël is a design researcher and educator. She applies a human-centred, evidence-based and outcome oriented approach to design. Prior to joining the LUASA, Guillermina was a human-centred designer at the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Alberta, Canada. She works with multidisciplinary health teams to improve care practices (Quality Improvement) or transferring and implementing health research into practice to influence every day decisions (Knowledge translation/Adoption of innovation).
Guillermina is the director of the Health Design Network; a platform to enable health design professionals to exchange knowledge. The network is an initiative supported by the International Institute for Information Design, with headquarters in Austria. She is also a member of the Editorial Board of Information Design Journal.
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Bettina Minder receives PhD degree
We proudly announce that our team member Bettina Minder now holds a PhD in Innovation Management from Aalborg University, which she completed at the Centre of Industrial Production under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Astrid Heidemann Lassen. The title of her doctoral dissertation is The Perceived Attractiveness of the Designer in Innovation Processes.
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Participation in Insight 2018
Prof. Dr. Dagmar Steffen and Bettina Minder joined the Insight 2018 International Design Research Symposium at the National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad, India. Insight 2018 is an international design research symposium for design educators, practitioners, design researchers and advocates of design. It brings together, on a common platform, design educators, practitioners, design researchers and advocates of design to reflect upon, discuss and debate what constitutes design research and design epistemology, its multi-faceted nature and forms, research ethics, issues in contemporary design research and its implications for design education and practice.
Prof. Dr. Steffen presented paper titled Transdisciplinarity: A Key Factor in Applied (Design) Research and Bettina Minder presented the research Embedding Design Strategies in Craft-Based Social Innovation Project: A Challenge of Different Understanding of Craft, a study conducted with Dr. Sabine Junginger and Elian Grüter.
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ArTiv project published on the EDI website
The project Arbeitsfeld Tourismus Integrativ (ArTiv) –which our team member Bettina Minder was also part of, has been documented on the website of the Federal Bureau for the Equality of People with Disabilities (EBGB).ArTiv deals with the question of how the integration of workers with disabilities in the tourism sector could be promoted. With the publication, EBGB wants to draw attention to projects supported by the federal government.
(Illustration: Leonid Gavrilyuk, Lukas Rüeger, Milo Vogler, Zsofi a Nagy)
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Bettina Minder moderates workshop at the Future Forum Lucerne 2018
Our team member Bettina Minder moderated one of the future workshops at the Future Forum Lucerne 2018 at the Lucerne Exhibition Center.The Future Forum Lucerne is an action conference and experiment room // with an interactive podium and key presentations // with agile workshops and challenges for practice // for those interested in the future and those who make tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. The Future Forum Lucerne 2018 has attracted many enthusiastic visitors, who are interested in innovation and questions about the future. Click here for some snapshots.
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Design in Organisations
The symposium Design in Organisationstook place on 16-17 November 2017 at the Lucerne School of Art and Design, organised by the Competence Centre for Design & Management under the leadership of Dr. Sabine Jungingner.
Global events and developments challenge both private and public organisations to rethink the ways they are going about their ‘business’ to achieve their objectives, fulfil their mandates and succeed in a dramatically changing environment. Design researches and design practitioners argue that successful organisations are those that develop and foster internal design capabilities.
But what does this mean? What counts as design capability? Where within an organisation do design capabilities ‘live’, where should they be developed and located? What is needed and who is needed to develop advanced design capabilities that serve organisations in the pursuit of their vision and in the fulfilment of their purpose? What examples can we look to and learn from in Switzerland and internationally?
How can managers in organisations and design professionals benefit from state-of-the-art design research and new design methods? What roles can design research assume and what tasks can design research address as part of a future-oriented organisation?
Workshops with Enrique Martinez (left) and Catalina Jossen Cardozo (right).
The symposium connected researchers, private entrepreneurs, designers and managers in public organisations to generate answers to these questions but also to shed light on the intersection of design research, design theory and design practice in the organisational context.
Keynote speakers were: Richard Buchanan, PhD, Professor in Design & Innovation at Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University. Xianghyang Xin, PhD, Professor, School of Design, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China. Enrique Martinez, designer and public sector innovation leader. Catalina Jossen Cardozo, MA graduated with a Master of Arts in Design from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Arts and Design in 2016. Kaja Tooming Buchanan, PhD, Professor of Design Theory, Practice and Strategy in the College of Design & Innovation at Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
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