Invitation to the VA-PEPR project presentation at the HSLU Learning Safari ‘Onboarding’

We cordially invite you to participate at the Hochschule Luzern (HSLU) Learning Safari ‘Onboarding’ on 02.11.2021, where Aurelio Todisco (MA) will present the VA-PEPR research project (Voice Assistants-People, Experiences, Practices and Routines)  along with many other exciting program items. The Learning Safari ‘Onboarding’ is a 1-day programme for the new employees to get to know different locations of the university, as well as various projects, employees and their stories interactively. It is organised by HSLU Zukunfstlabor CreaLab together with the HSLU University Development Services. 

Here you can find out more about the Learning Safari ‘Onboarding’ and register for the event. We look forward to seeing you.