Online Brown Bag Lunch with Dr. Aysun Aytac

Dr. Aysun Aytac -who recently joined the Competence Centre Design & Management, will be presenting her work on the Appropriation of the Bathroom in Everyday Life at this week’s Brown Bag Lunch on April 30th at 12.15. The presentation will be in English.

Please register until April 28th, 18.00 via this zoom link.

Aysun completed her doctoral education at Istanbul Technical University, Turkey in July 2015. For her doctoral thesis Appropriation of the Bathroom in Everyday Life: Towards a Cultural Analysis of the Contemporary Bathroom and its Elements in Turkey, she analysed the (Turkish) domestic bathroom to understand how people appropriate this important space in everyday life to make it fit their needs. Appropriations in the bathroom space are important because through them, users turn a space into a place and make it their own. The study reveals the interactions between users and this space and its artefacts. It reveals the creativity and ingenuity of users, reflects on users’ identities and shows how they intervene with their environment to meet their personal needs. These interactions are important for design discipline because placing the users and their experiences in the centre of design research enables a better understanding of people, their values, lifestyles thus of society, which in the end could provide better product/service development processes. The  study uses a qualitative approach with an ethnographical focus to identify types of appropriations employed in the bathroom as well as their influencing factors.