Modeling Roman window glass

Daylight scattering by Roman window glass and its effect on the il- lumination of building interiors are assessed.

The scattering properties of exemplary finds are characterized by gonio-photometric measurements and analyzed with regard to surface structure, inclusions and aging effects. The measurement data is compiled into data-driven models of the optical properties of each sample, predicting the distribution of transmitted light for arbitrary incident directions. One model is chosen and applied with a detailed reconstruction model of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul in the 6th century. In this exemplary study, the effects of the finding’s particular properties on the illumination of surfaces, the perceived brightness of the windows, and the resulting effects on the perception of the illuminated space are assessed.

Results were presented at the 21st International Congress of the Association Internationale pour I’Histoire du Verre in Istanbul.

A Noback, LO Grobe, F Lang (2018). Modeling the effects of daylight scattering by window glass: The case of 6th century Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. 21st International Congress of the Association Internationale pour I’Histoire du Verre, Istanbul, Türkei. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1414008 (