9. März 2025

Öffentliches LeCo-Seminar 6. Oktober 2020

Am 6. Oktober hält Dr. William Rhoads (Postdoc im LeCo-Team) ein Online-Referat auf Englisch:

„Holistic Legionnaires‘ Disease Outbreak Investigation: Thinking Beyond the Building“
Dienstag, 6 October 2020, 16h00 – 17h00

Zoom-Link für die Online-Teilnahme: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85611209634?pwd=VXdickdndkNKb0FMdHpLQjlGbW1yUT09
Meeting-ID: 856 1120 9634, Kenncode: 008600

The initial Legionnaires’ Disease (LD) outbreak investigation in Quincy, Illinois in 2015 identified deficiencies at the Illinois Veteran’s Home (IVHQ), but these did not account for four community-acquired cases that occurred concurrently with no IVHQ exposure. In this presentation, the investigation is broadened to evaluate seven lines of evidence and assess whether municipal drinking water supply deficiencies potentially contributed to a community-wide outbreak. We propose a “camel’s back” hypothesis, i.e., from the idiom “the straw that broke the camel’s back,” wherein a seemingly small change finally precipitates a large reaction due to a number of pre-existing issues. Distribution system monitoring regulations should be updated such that when major changes in water treatment or distribution system operation occur, increased monitoring of water quality, clinical surveillance for LD, enhanced water management plan actions (e.g., flushing), and communication between utilities and their customers is triggered.