Annual Vision Emmen 2024

? As HSLU School of Design, Film and Art and CCDM (the official partner of Gemeinde Emmen in Digital Transformation), we hosted the annual Vision Emmen 2024 meeting of Municipality Emmen on 15 January 2024.

? This was a great opportunity for the VA-PEPR research team to engage with the public sector and discuss how AI-based technologies and services will shape our lives.

? Prof. Dr. Sabine Junginger, Prof. Michael Doerk, Dr. Uwe Riss, Dr. Michael Shorter, Melanie Rickenmann, Dr. Aysun Aytac, Minuette Le and Michelle Murri presented and shared insights from the research project. The Voice Matters interactive installation, the Überblick, and other provotypes (PROVOcative protoTYPES) were the highlights as they showcased the potential of voice-driven experiences. Around 250 people from the municipality engaged with and explored the capabilities of voice-based AI.

➡️ Visit the VA-PEPR website to learn more about how Voice Matters work.
? Stay tuned for more updates from the VA-PEPR project!
Photos by: Carolin Röckelein and Aysun Aytac