New Projects! 

The team is excited to kick off four new interdisciplinary project collaborations, three of which are funded by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts Interdisciplinary Clusters scheme.

Aysun Aytaç and Andreas Unteidig are co-leading the project Eco-Social Design for Urban Sustainability Transitions, collaborating with Beatrice Durrer Eggerschwiler from the Lucerne School of Social Work. Their project will map collaborations between local authorities and the social innovation ecosystem in Lucerne.

Guillermina Noël is collaborating with Paula Krüger from the Lucerne School of Social Work on a project focused on raising awareness about domestic violence. This collaboration aims to shed light on the pervasive issue of domestic violence and empower individuals and communities to take action.

Dagmar Steffen and Isabelle Dechamps will be contributing with practice based design research to the VoDiS Project about diversity on foundation boards in Switzerland (VoDiS stands for Voraussetzung für Diversität in Stiftungsräten). The project will analyse the recruitment mechanisms behind new appointments in foundation boards and aims to co-develop strategies to promote diversity. The project is led by Kaisa Ruoranen from the research group Public and Nonprofit Management, HSLU – Lucerne School of Business.

Last but not least, our recently joined team member, Andreas Unteidig, along with his colleague Karin Fink, will be leading the project Collaborative Exploration in Eco-Social Design: Fostering Cross-Cultural Insights, in collaboration with Shilpa Das (National Institute of Design – NID) and her colleagues.

The project examines design curricula focused on socio-ecological transformation. Through comparative analyses and collaborative curriculum development, the team aims to strengthen knowledge exchange between Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and the National Institute of Design (NID) in India. The project is funded within the Swiss Bilateral Science and Technology Programme with South Asia and Iran. Since 2017, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences has been mandated by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) as the Leading House for this programme.

Congratulations to everyone involved!