Wolfgang Brückle and Rachel Mader
Flüchtiges Sammeln [project descrition in German]
HSLU documentation [ЯƎ:SEARCH] Nov. 2022


Performancekunst boomt im Ausstellungsbetrieb, in Sammlungen ist sie kaum vertreten. Der Live-Charakter dieser Kunstform scheint im Gegensatz zu Anforderungen des Sammelns zu stehen. Zusammen mit Museen und Künstler*innen entwickelt die HSLU-Forschungsgruppe um Rachel Mader und Wolfgang Brückle innovative Lösungen.

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Linda Luv
Forum Direktübertragung
Bang Bang Translokale Performance-Geschichte
Museum Tinguely, Basel
14 Aug 2022, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

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Alexandra Pirici
On the Acquisition of Live Performative Works
HSLU Lucerne School of Art and Design
22 April 2021, 6:00–7:30 p.m.

Alexandra Pirici discusses the possibilities and practices of collecting the ‘immaterial’, as a way to resignify the very concept of ‘collecting’, from a practice increasingly related to investment and the acquisition of assets, to a practice of taking care of a live work and the necessary labour that goes into its prolonged existence. While focusing on the acquisition of live performative works, the lecture will also attempt to place the topic in a larger context, circling around notions of value, artificially produced scarcity and collectability, as they span art’s history, present and future, and its relation to the world at large.

Alexandra Pirici is a classically trained dancer and choreographer. Her performative art installations include contemporary dance, performance, body art and sculpture. In her work, she choreographs complex performative environments that activate a space with dozens of dancers or actors.

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Clemens Fellmann & Linda Luv
Stories of the Ephemeral
Journey to Prague
20–22 July 2021

The cooperation with the artist duo Stirnimann-Stojanovic leads us to the Performance Crossings Festival in Prague to watch the second activation of their performance, We Are Called. It is a text-based performance originally performed in Chinese by Zhao Chuan, who lives and works in Shanghai. In 2020, Stirnimann-Stojanovic premiered We Are Called at the PARTOUT festival at Kaserne Basel. Our witnessing both the premier and the second activation sets an ideal foundation to reflect on how the performance can last and change over time.

Part 1 / Intro

Part 2 / We Are Called

Part 3 / Pavlina Morganova