Co-edited journal issue on post-cinema


A new issue of the peer-reviewed journal Images Secondes was published, co-edited by team member Chloé Galibert-Laîné with Gala Hernandez Lopez, entitled «Post-cinéma. Pratiques de recherche et de création».

It includes several videographic contributions:

03 | 2022 Post-cinéma, pratiques de recherche et de création



This issue of the French journal Images secondes wishes to interrogate the heuristic and critical potential of the notion of «post-cinema». We recognize with Shane Denson and Julia Leyda that if digital connected media are about «the emergence of a new structure of perception or episteme, new forms of affects and sensibilities,» then «traditional academic formats and methods may not provide adequate answers» to the questions they raise (Denson & Leyda, 2016: 6). For this reason, the issue, which is resolutely transdisciplinary, also explores the epistemological potential of research-creation: the articles adopt a variety of formats, from the written article to the podcast, from the video essay to the interactive website. Without aspiring to propose a unique definition, the thirteen contributions and four interviews explore what the notion of «post-cinema» allows us to grasp of the audiovisual moment we are going through, and invites us to probe the continuities, filiations and ruptures between the seventh art and the new audiovisual media.

Image credits: Field of Infinity, Guli Silberstein, 2018.