
TanzMix is organized by HelloWelcome and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences – School of Social Work and Music, as part of the applied research project «Music as Empowerment». The Neubad network provides the space for free.

Why do we run TanzMix?

TanzMix aims primarily to promote the cultural participation, well-being, and social contacts of people with refugee experience. However, TanzMix is open to everyone and aims to offer enriching experiences to all people, regardless of their background. Moreover, TanzMix thrives on the exchange between refugees and locals. Exchange and cultural diversity are shared concerns of HelloWelcome, Lucerne University, and Neubad.

HelloWelcome is a meeting place for refugees, migrants, and locals located at Bundesstrasse 13 in Lucerne. HelloWelcome offers various services that aim to make the arrival and life in Switzerland easier for refugees and to promote cultural exchange between refugees and locals.

The Neubad Network, the operator of the art and culture center Neubad, pursues the vision of creating a unique space for inspiration, incubation, and innovation.

The «Music as Empowerment» research project by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences (Department of Music and Department of Social Work) promotes and studies the empowerment of refugee youth and young adults through music and dance. Researchers aim to find out what potentials an open dance offering provides.

Will I be studied if I participate in the event?

Primarily, TanzMix is an open offering aimed at getting people dancing. We are also researching how the event works and what it offers to participants. Therefore, researchers from HSLU document the events. We may also ask you if you would like to participate in a conversation for the research project. However, we will not conduct experiments on you and are not interested in your personal data. If we make audio and video recordings for our documentation, we will ask for your permission first.