

Project-related publications by research group members


Wolfgang Brückle: “Falschmeldungen, Flaschenpost, Diebstahl, Deep Fake: Bildtaktiken am Übergang von der fotografischen zur postfotografischen Bilderwelt”, in: Bildtaktiken: Visuelle Subversion zwischen Spiel und Widerstand, eds. Wolfgang Brückle, Hole Rössler and Thomas Rahn, Wiesbaden 2023. / In print.

Wolfgang Brückle and Fred Truniger: “Audiovisual Phenomena Beyond the Cinema Experience”, in: Display, Distribute, Disrupt: Contemporary Moving Image Practices, Berlin and Zürich 2023. / In print.

Marco De Mutiis: “Photographing the Game Glitch: Between Ghost Photography and Immaterial Labour”, in: Philosophy of Photography 2023. / In print.

Marco De Mutiis: “The Player as Photographer as Worker”, in: Photographic Materials – Archives and New Tools, eds. Alex Grein, Beate Gütschow, Susanne Holschbach and Inga Schneider, Cologne 2023. / In print.

Screen Images: In-Game Photography, Screenshot, Screencast, eds. Marco De Mutiis, Winfried Gerling and Sebastian Möring, Berlin 2023. / In print.

Nicolas Malevé, Katrina Sluis and Gaia Tedone: “Curating in the Wild”, in: Curating Superintelligences: Speculations on the Future of Curating, AI and Hybrid Realities, eds. Joasia Krysa and Magdalena Tyżlik-Carver, London 2023. / In print.

Katrina Sluis: “Desperately Seeking Audience: Analytics in the Twenty-First Century Museum”, in: Companion to Curatorial Futures, eds. Bridget Crone and Bassam El Baroni, Edinburgh 2023. / In print.

Katrina Sluis: “The Phantom of the Mirror: The Screenshots of Mario Santamaría”, in: Screen Images: In-Game Photography, Screenshot, Screencast, eds. Marco De Mutiis, Winfried Gerling and Sebastian Möring, Berlin 2023. / In print.

Birk Weiberg, “‘Is this thing on?’: Post-photographic Modes of Existence of the Camera”, in: Display/Disruption/Disorder, eds. Wolfgang Brückle and Fred Truniger, Zurich 2023. / In print.


Wolfgang Brückle and Rica Cerbarano: “The Rules of the Game in Contemporary Photography”, in: Camera Austria 40 (2022), no. 157, pp. 79–81. [Interview with Matteo Bittanti and Marco De Mutiis.]

Katrina Sluis: “Documentation in an Age of Photographic Hypercirculation”, in: Documentation as Art: Expanded Digital Practices, eds. Annet Dekker und Gabriella Giannachi, London 2022, pp. 27–37.

Katrina Sluis und Annet Dekker: “One Terabyte of Documentation, the Circulation of Geocities”, in: Documentation as Art: Expanded Digital Practices, eds. Annet Dekker and Gabriella Giannachi, London 2022.

Gaia Tedone: “Step-And-Repeat, The Feed as the Great Flattener: Dena Yago in Conversation With Gaia Tedone”, in: Documentation as Art: Expanded Digital Practices, eds. Annet Dekker and Gabriella Giannachi, London 2022.

Gaia Tedone: “The Paradoxes of Curating The Networked Image: Aesthetic Currents, Flows and Flaws”, in: The Networked Image in Post-Digital Culture, eds. Andrew Dewdney and Katrina Sluis, London 2022.


Post-Photography (Nummer 10), eds. Wolfgang Brückle and Salvatore Vitale, Luzern 2021.

Wolfgang Brückle and Salvatore Vitale: “Introduction: Post-Photography, Machine Vision, the Networked Image”, in: Post-Photography (Nummer 10), eds. Wolfgang Brückle und Salvatore Vitale, Luzern 2021, pp. 6–8.

Wolfgang Brückle: “Selfies… But not as You Knew Them: Post-Photographic Identity Theft and Beyond. Conversation with Jenny Rova”, in: Post-Photography (Nummer 10), eds. Wolfgang Brückle and Salvatore Vitale, Luzern 2021, pp. 51–56.

Wolfgang Brückle and Thomas Knüsel: “Hacking, Post-Photographic Practice, Digital Détournements: What is Their Relevance for Art in the New Public Space? In Conversation with Achim Mohné”, in: Post-Photography (Nummer 10), eds. Wolfgang Brückle and Salvatore Vitale, Luzern 2021, pp. 17–23.

Marco De Mutiis: “An Eye Unruled”, in: Automated Photography, eds. Milo Keller, Claus Gunti and Florian Amoser, Lausanne 2021.

Marco De Mutiis: “How to Win at Photography – How Games Teach Us to See”, in: Post-Photography (Nummer 10), eds. Wolfgang Brückle and Salvatore Vitale, Luzern 2021, pp. 72–77.

Nicolas Malevé: “Machine Glancing: Humans at the Edge of Vision”, in: Post-Photography (= Nummer 10), eds. Wolfgang Brückle, Lucerne 2021, pp. 80–85.

Affordances of the Networked Image (Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 30), 2021, eds. Katrina Sluis, Geoffrey Cox, Annet Dekker and Andrew Dewdney.

Katrina Sluis: “Glimmering Screens, Institutional Dreams: Curating Post-Photography”, in: Post-Photography (= Nummer 10), eds. Wolfgang Brückle and Salvatore Vitale, Luzern 2021, pp. 88–91.

Katrina Sluis and Jonas Lund: “Programming Trust: Katrina Sluis in Conversation With Jonas Lund”, in: Digital Wanderings: F/STOP Festival Leipzig 2021.

Katrina Sluis und Nadine Wietlisbach: “The Flight of the Networked Image: From Screen to Museum and Back Again”, in: Eva & Franco Mattes: Dear Imaginary Audience, eds. Doris Gassert a. o., Winterthur 2021, pp. 124–131.

Katrina Sluis, Marco De Mutiis and Jon Uriarte: “You Must Not Call It Photography If This Expression Hurts You”, in: Curating Digital Art, ed. Annet Dekker, Amsterdam 2021.

Gaia Tedone: “Space Probe Photography: Cassini’s Human and Non-Human Constellations”, in: Post-Photography (= Nummer 10), eds. Wolfgang Brückle and Salvatore Vitale, Luzern 2021, pp. 104–109.

Birk Weiberg: “The Entangled Apparatus: Cameras as Non-Distancing Devices”, in: INTRA! INTRA! Towards an INTRA SPACE, eds. Wolfgang Tschapeller and Christina Jauernik, Berlin 2021, pp. 236-253, doi:10.21937/9783956795893.13.

Birk Weiberg: “Fotografische Rohdaten: Zur Sichtbarmachung von Ed Ruschas Straßenfotografie”, in: Rundbrief Fotografie 28 (2021), no. 2, pp. 4–6, doi:10.5281/zenodo.5337044.

Birk Weiberg: “Critical Camera Practices: An Alternative Approach to Post-Photography”, in: Post-Photography (Nummer 10), Lucerne 2021, pp. 14-16, doi:10.5281/zenodo.5336598.


Nicolas Malevé: “On the data set’s ruins”, in: AI & SOCIETY 36 (2020), pp. 1–15, DOI:10.1007/s00146-020-01093-w.


Wolfgang Brückle: “Postfotografische Konzepte für die Augenzeugenschaft: Weltwahrnehmung mit Überwachungskameras und Google Street View”, in: Augenzeugenschaft als Konzept: Konstruktionen von Wirklichkeit in Kunst und visueller Kultur seit 1800, eds. Claudia Hattendorff and Lisa Beißwanger, Bielefeld 2019, pp. 157–176.

Wolfgang Brückle and Marco De Mutiis: “Post-Photography: What’s in a Name?”, in: Spectrum. Photography in Switzerland (Experts’ Essays), Sept. 2019, REPRINT in: Post-Photography (Nummer 10), eds. Wolfgang Brückle and Salvatore Vitale, Luzern 2021, pp. 10–13.

Wolfgang Brückle: “‘Jules Spinatsch: Semiautomatic Photography 2003–2020’, Centre de la Photographie Genève” [exhibition review], in: Camera Austria 37 (2019), no. 145, pp. 78–79.

Sebastian Möring and Marco De Mutiis: “Camera Ludica: Reflections on Photography in Computer Games”, in: Intermedia Games – Games Inter Media. Video Games and Intermediality, eds. Michael Fuchs und Jeff Thoss, New York 2019, pp. 69–94.

Nicolas Malevé, Michael Murtaugh and Ellef Prestsæter: “Situological Applications: Digitizing the Situationist Times”, in: These are Situationist Times! An Inventory of Reproductions, Deformations, Modifications, Derivations, and Transformations, eds. Ellef Prestsæter, Oslo 2019, pp. 233–235.

Nicolas Malevé: “An Introduction to Image Datasets”, in: Unthinking Photography: The Photographers’ Gallery, Nov 2019:

Katrina Sluis: “Photography Must Be Curated!”, in: Still Searching, Fotomuseum Winterthur 2019,

Gaia Tedone: “From Spectacle to Extraction, And All Over Again: An Interview with Kate Crawford and Trevor Paglen”, in: Unthinking Photography: The Photographers’ Gallery, Nov 2019,

Gaia Tedone: “Human-Algorithmic Curation: Curating with or against the Algorithm?”, in: Conference Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X., eds. Michael Verdicchio a. o., Porto 2019, pp. 125–139.

Gaia Tedone: “Forging Strategic Alliances: the Agency of Human–Algorithmic Curation Under Conditions of Platform Capitalism”, in: CITAR Journal 11 (2019), no. 2, Special Issue: xCoAx 2019. DOI:

Gaia Tedone and Annet Dekker: “Networked Co-Curation: An Exploration of the Socio-Technical Specificities of Online Curation”, in: Arts (2019), no. 3, pp. 1–14. DOI:


Birk Weiberg, “Speculations on Transpositional Photography”, in: Transpositions: Aesthetico-Epistemic Operators in Artistic Research, ed. Michael Schwab, Leuven 2018, pp. 177–89. doi:10.11116/9789461662538.ch10.