Leading Interviews with Coline Drévo

On May 23 2024, we invited Service Design expert Coline Drévo to join the conclusion day of the Leading Conversations course. During that day 3 experts offered talks and workshops for the first year Master Service Design Students.

In this article we’ll share Coline’s slide deck and a short summary of her talk.

Coline’s Slide Deck


Made with AI

This summary was written with the help of AI and was edited and shortened by the host of the event.

Coline began by emphasizing the importance of understanding the context and objectives of any project or research. Knowing what you aim to achieve and identifying key stakeholders are crucial steps that lay the groundwork for meaningful conversations. This foundational understanding helps in creating a conversation guide that is both structured and flexible.

Creating a conversation guide was the next topic of discussion. Coline explained the differences between open and semi-structured conversations and how to frame the situation appropriately. She highlighted the need for pre-planning and aligning with the research team to ensure coherence and purpose. This preparation helps in defining the problem clearly before exploring solutions.

Different interview styles

Coline then introduced various types of interview styles integral to service design, such as contextual interviews, in-depth interviews, and focus groups. Each method offers unique insights and helps gather rich, qualitative data essential for informed decision-making.

The importance of preparation

Preparation was highlighted as key to successful user interviews. Coline discussed the importance of defining the duration, gathering necessary materials, and having the right team in place. Selecting participants based on clear criteria ensures that the data collected is relevant and comprehensive.

Conducting interviews

When it came to conducting interviews, Coline stressed the importance of creating a comfortable and trustful environment. Starting with easy questions, listening attentively, and allowing the conversation to flow naturally are essential practices. Being mindful of body language and separating observations from interpretations helps reduce bias.

The crucial minutes right after the interview

Post-interview, the focus shifts to organizing and analyzing the data collected. Immediate action, such as writing down notes and summaries right after the interview, is crucial. Team analysis helps combine findings and identify patterns and insights. Using tools like Dovetail for data management and Miro for visualization aids in this process.

The workshop

The workshop included a practical exercise where participants designed a research study to understand absenteeism in a pharmaceutical production unit. This hands-on activity reinforced the workshop’s teachings, allowing participants to apply their knowledge in a simulated real-world scenario.


The event concluded with a discussion and Q&A session, where Coline addressed participants’ queries and provided further insights into effective conversation and interview techniques.

About Coline

Coline Drévo is a Swiss Freelance Service Design practitioner who does Strategic Innovation & Service Design work in Switzerland.

Previously, Coline worked as a Strategic Innovation & Service Designer at Strategyzer, the company behind the Business Model Canvas. There she led fast-paced projects and secured stakeholder buy-in for the implementation and iteration of key service components. She also ensured collaboration across various teams and stakeholders to align project planning and organization with business goals.

Coline started her career as a Change & Project Management Consultant at Julhiet Sterwen Switzerland and as a Project Manager and Service Designer at Facenord.