Meet Maia, a Service Designer working on financial support services for cancer patients in the Philippines

Who are you Maia?

I’m Maia Sevilla a Service Design Master’s student in Luzern with a background in information design and 2 years of experience in user research. 

Having worked on projects across social impact, government, and health sectors in Switzerland and the Philippines, I’ve gladly engaged in transdisciplinary collaborations & facilitated participatory processes. 

What’s happening next in your life?

I look forward to experimenting more in these areas. I’m passionate about using design to transform systems where marginalised communities can thrive, and I’d love to connect with fellow designers & researchers, communities, and organisations that feel the same.

You’re living in Luzern, Switzerland. What’s your take on Service Design in Switzerland?

Service Design in Switzerland feels promising and progressive. Not only is the quality of public services efficient and organised, but there are also a lot of opportunities here to develop one’s practice. For example, aside from studying in a program, you can also attend conferences and design challenges, engage with professionals, join communities, and discover online resources. I think this reflects how service design is valued here, and this makes Switzerland exciting for early career service designers.