A new chapter: Why we’re relaunching the microsite of the Master Service Design

As it’s usually the case when you launch a new blog, one of the first articles is a sort of wishlist plan for the future. So in this article we’re sharing a 5 the reasons that make us invest time in building a blog, and what we plan for the future.

A bit of history

Back in the days when I was a student in the Master Service Design program we had a blog where as students we were invited to write an article and also share some pieces that where still “work in progress”.

Why we’re relaunching this Microsite

Reason #01: It’s a recruiting tool

Such a website helps us to showcase not only the final projects in a few images but really share behind-the-scenes of the student and faculty life. 

These help future student answer the question:

What’s it like to do a Master in Service Design at the HSLU?

Today there are more ways than ever to learn Service Design. And the competition in the world of Service Design Masters is obviously also bigger. This means that yes, we have more efforts to do to be able to recruit the next generation of great Service Design talents.

Reason #02: It’s an career tool

Finding a job in the Service Design world isn’t the easiest thing. It’s surely better now than 20 years ago, but it’s still a career where job positions are a bit scarce compared to other design professions.

Therefore it’s important that students get offered ways to showcase themselves not only at the end of their studies with their final project, but throughout the program. 

Reason #03: It’s an education tool

When we interview a student about his practice, it’s not just an interview. It’s also a time of self reflection and synthesis for the student.

When we ask a student to write a piece to teach something he or she has learned we’re in fact giving an opportunity to that student to deepen his or her knowledge.

Reason #04: It’s a community tool

Both Andy and myself are big believers in making knowledge available in the open to the community. Andy does it through his Podcast Power of Ten, his book and blog. Daniele does it with his involvement within the Swiss Service Design Network and his side project Swiss Innovation Academy and all the books, templates and courses he published there. 

So for us as co-leads of the Master Service Design of the HSLU, it’s not only natural to share the knowledge we acquire, it’s an itch that we need to tackle.

Reason #05: It’s fun and motivating to make something thangible

Both Andy and I are practitioners of the “getting shit done” approach. And we are both a little bit geeky (I learned the hard way that Andy is geekier than me). So building such a microsite is also something that’s pretty fun for us.

But maybe more important seeing in a tangible way what happens in the program is motivating! 

We often forget all the great stuff we’ve done, not only in the last years, but also just in the last week and month. Therefore such a website is also a kind of gratitude journal where we can be thankful for all the interactions and all the progress that has been made.

What’s coming next

Obviously this is all just the start of this blog and website. Here a few things we have on our wishlist:

  • Newsletter launch: you can already subscribe to the newsletter, and soon we’ll send the first edition.
  • More projects: we’d love to add more content from our archives that show more student projets.
  • People: once we’ll have enough content we’d love to have a way to see all the people connected with the program and then see their content (articles, interviews, projects, etc.)