Ohne Self Care geht es nicht.

Hallo liebe(r) Leser(in), herzlich Willkommen auf meinem allerersten Blogpost! Wie du bereits am Titel erkennen kannst, dreht sich mein Blog rund um das Thema “Self Care”. Ein paar Worte zu meiner Person: Ich heisse Isabelle und studiere Business Administration mit Major Online Business und Marketing …

How to survive on a budget in Switzerland: Part 2

 Let’s continue saving your money 😉 In the previous article I showed you how to avoid fasting and eat properly with the least damage to your wallet. Here are some more tips on how to survive in this crazy country on a budget: 1. Reduce …

Podcast: Food Waste im Generationenduell

Im heutigen Blogpost möchte ich anhand meines ersten Podcasts aufzeigen, ob Food Waste für Jung und Alt gleichermassen von Bedeutung ist. In einem spannendem Gespräch mit Dilan (24) und Ueli (60), haben wir über die unterschiedlichen Vorgehensweisen der beiden gegen Food Waste sowie über dessen …

Money Management on Your Vacation

Questions such as “How much cash do I carry?” on my vacation, “Do I exchange currencies at home or at my destination?“, or “Where do I put all my cash?” are very important. Before you go on your trip, you need to make sure that you …

How to find your dream job in Switzerland?

Today I want to share a few tips and tricks to make finding a job easier and more fun. I really hope this information will help you to find your dream job here in Switzerland:   Networking in Switzerland is really important! Moreover, as I …

Higher education in Switzerland: main peculiarities

Obtaining a degree from a Swiss university could open the door to successful professional immigration! In my opinion, Switzerland is a perfect place for studying, and there are at least four reasons for that: High educational standards: Swiss education system combines best features of American, …