ogo of Arties, a NFT startup based in Switzerland focusing on digital art

Talking about NFTs and Digital Art

The Art Basel Report 2022, has highlighted the relevance of digital art and nfts in the global art market, and sees a growing trend in this area. In an interview, the founder of the startup Arties talks about the company and the vision. Arties is a startup that is established in the NFT industry and wants to revolutionize the digital art market.

Watch the video to find out more about Arties. 


Stefan, the founder of the startup, talks about Arties and the vision of it in the interview. He talks about a current project, which is being developed in cooperation with an artist.

In the second part of the interview Stefan will tell about the future planned projects of Arties. A small foretaste of a planned project can be found here.

What do you think about the Startup? Let me know in the comments 

This is the sixth article in a series of eight posts about the impact of tokenization and NFT on the art world. Find below more blogposts and stay tuned to learn more.


Olivia Zahlbruckner

As technology advances, new possibilities arise, including in the traditionally traditional art world. Blockchain and NFTs offer artists the chance to tap into new markets. With this blog I want to explore the latest trends, opportunities, and innovations in the digital art industry.

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