22. December 2024

Public LeCo Seminar 7 October 2022: An Overview of Environmental Health Practice, Research, and Policy on Legionella and legionellosis in New York State, USA (in English)

7 October 2022, 3-4 pm

Free online participation: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86371913612?pwd=Nmh5dG52Y1FXQXU4a0ozUjVvWlpBQT09

Meeting ID: 863 7191 3612

Passcode: 963741

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In another LeCo seminar, invited speaker Ursula Lauper (Section Chief, Water Systems Control & Analysis, USA) will give us an insight into her work in the Legionella field.


At 7.2 cases per 100,000 in 2018, New York State has the highest incidence rate of legionellosis in the US.  This talk will review epidemiological trends, novel environmental investigation strategies and research directions, and the role of regulation and outreach in understanding and mitigating Legionella and legionellosis across the state.

The presentation will be given in English.

Invited Speaker: Ursula Lauper

  • chief of the Water Systems Control & Analysis section in the the New York State Department of Health’s Bureau of Water Supply Protection
  • assistant clinical professor at the SUNY at Albany School of Public Health’s Department of Environmental Health Sciences and an Environmental Section councilor for the American Public Health Association
  • principal investigator of the CDC-funded Environmental Health Capacity cooperative agreement
  • Co-PI of an NSF-funded grant, “An integrative modeling framework to account for plumbing system dynamics and value of information to develop decision support models for meeting Legionella control goals”
  • program manager for New York State’s Legionella component of the CDC-funded Epidemiological and Laboratory Capacity cooperative agreement
  • Master’s degree in cultural and medical anthropology from the University of Colorado, Boulder and an MPH in biostatistics from the Colorado School of Public Health