6. February 2025

Public LeCo seminar 23 March 2021: Hurdles in understanding the epidemiology of sporadic Legionnaires’ disease (in English)

23 March 2021, 4:00 – 5:00 pm

Free online participation: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87293385148?pwd=WC9kRHpLSmZWN0Rmak9wR1RSMG5QUT09

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Despite media attention regarding outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease (LD), the majority of LD cases are not associated with an outbreak. Among the cases that have no travel or healthcare associations, Legionella source identification can be close to impossible. Proxy measures for changes in water quality and intensive case interviews can help reveal potential sources of Legionella infections. As incidence of LD continues to increase, new measures for isolating the reason(s) for this increase must be explored. 

Invited Speaker: Kelsie Cassell

  • PhD student at Yale School of Public Health in the Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases Department
  • Her research focuses on the epidemiology of community-acquired Legionnaires’ disease (LD), Legionella source identification, risk factors for residential infection, and analysis of LD seasonality.
  • She collaborates closely with the Connecticut state health department and LD researchers at Statens Serum Institut.
  • She has published on recurrent LD infection, underdiagnosis of LD, and spatiotemporal patterns of sporadic LD.