Top 5 Benefits of Process Mining For Your Business

Figure 1: Process Mining, source: (, 2022)

Since business process management is getting more and more important for organizations this blog shows you the benefits of process mining.  As every enterprise generates tons of unused data process mining can be an approach.

 The value of any technology is not in what it does, but in the benefits you experience from using it. In this blog we’re talking about the benefits an enterprise can gain by using process mining in a strategic way. If you don’t know what process mining is an how it works I recommend you this article from Deloitte.

Let’s take a closer look at the benefits a well implemented process mining software will bring your company.

1. Solid understanding of your as-is processes

According to a Harvard Business Review article the understanding of the current processes is critical to knowing whether it is worth investing in improvement, where performance problems exist and how much variation there is in the processes across an organization. Further the authors of the article say, process mining can be used to effectively analyze the current state of business process performance, identify areas of improvement and assess the results of process improvements. Given this circumstance, this facts make process mining an effective partner for tools like robotic process automation (RPA), as it can first identify the best fields to implement bots and then provide the means to calculate the beneficial impact of RPA implementation.

2. Eliminate unnecessary steps

By analyzing data generated by business processes process mining can identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and unnecessary steps in a process, which then can be eliminated to improve process performance. This can be done through automated process discovery, conformance checking, and performance analysis. Additionally, process mining can also be used to identify potential process improvements and to support continuous process improvement initiatives.

3. Make decisions based on real data

Regarding the fact that companies are having tons of unused data, process mining can be a game changer. The best way to get a solid understanding of the current business processes running a company is by consulting this data. Although the people who work with the processes day in and day out will have valuable expertise when it comes to certain aspects of a company’s workflows, they may not be able to provide a truly comprehensive view of all process steps. Process mining can deliver accurate and unbiased insight into all that goes on in a company’s processes.

4. Improve customer experience and user satisfaction

By identifying and addressing bottlenecks and inefficiencies in processes, organizations can improve their overall service delivery and increase customer satisfaction. However, by applying process mining technology to any customer journey processes can have a far-reaching, positive impact on your business. When a company’s customer processes are optimized, the enterprise will experience less churn, make more sales and enjoy a distinct advantage over their competitors. Further, if repetitive and manual tasks will be automated, the employees will find their time can be better spent on more meaningful work.

5. Risk and compliance optimization

How can a company be sure its business operations are compliant and free from risk? There is no 100% certainty when it comes to risk an compliance, but when you have complete insight into the processes, a company will have a much clearer picture of potential trouble spots. Once the company knows where issues are likely to occur, it can more easily plug the gaps and save its business from costly and damaging incursions or fines.

Figure 2: Top 5 Process Management Topics 2022, Source (, 2023)


Process mining techniques are able to extract knowledge from event logs commonly (vastly) available in today’s information systems. These techniques provide new means to discover, monitor and improve processes in a variety of application domains. There are two main drivers for the growing interest in process mining. On the one hand, more and more events are being recorded, thus, providing detailed information about the history of processes. On the other hand, there is a need to improve and support business processes in competitive and rapidly changing environments. Therefore, a well evaluated and implemented process mining software can be a gamechanger for every company. The benefits such a software will gain overweighs the costs and investments for procurement and implementation by far. Further, with the data and insights which will be gained with a process mining technique, will give more transparency over the enterprise. Thus, you’ll be one step closer to build a digital twin and understand your business processes and enterprise-data fully.

Further information about process mining, guiding principles and Challenges can be found in the Process Mining Manifesto composed by the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining.


Sources:, 02.01.2023 (, 02.01.2023 (,much%20faster%20time%20to%20market.), 03.01.2023 (, 03.01.2023 (

F. Daniel et al., 2012 (


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